Luigi has been working at the firm since he was a young pup in 2014. Over the past four years he has clawed his way to the front of the pack in his department. His ultimate goal is to work his way to the position of Head Pawtner. Luigi uses his unique ability to sniff out truth and justice in the American way. When faced with adversity, he simply licks his opponents into submission. He has tremendous staying power, but he will come to all calls to do so with the best of them. Luigi matriculated K-9 at Maltese Pedigree Elementary School. He then jumped ahead to Fetch High School where he was voted most likely to land with all four feet firmly on the ground. Finally, he earned his Dogtorate in Management with an emphasis on Human Beings at Pooch University. In his spare time, Luigi loves spending time with his family, long walks and table scraps. SLG is quite fortunate to have this top dog as member of its team!